Time Flyers

The Time Fliers are five jets created in the future by Time Force. They are summoned by Circuit, who contacts Captain Logan to dispatch them. To reach the Rangers, they fly through a time portal. The Time Fliers can combine into three modes. The first is a jet, which can throw mutants off their feet with a tornado attack.

Time Force Megazord modes Blue and Red

They can also combine into one of two Megazords. Mode Red is the traditional Megazord, attacking with a saber and a sheild, It freezes mutants with a strike from its saber. Mode Blue is a more agile mode. It has great mobility, and can do flying leaps and kicks. Mode Blue attacks with the Time Jet in blaster mode, which it uses to freeze mutants.

The Time Shadow Megazord is sent by a mysterious benefactor from the future to aid the Rangers in battle. It can transform into a Megazord, or into a jet known as Shadow Winger. In Winger mode it has stealth capabilities, and can shoot from wing mounted blasters. In Megazord mode, it can shoot rockets, and is equipped with a double edged blade. 

Shadow Force Megazord modes Blue and Red

Time Shadow can combine with the Time Force Megazord in either mode to form the Shadow Force Megazord mode red or blue. It freezes monsters with the time target attack in mode blue, and with a time strike in mode red, using a weapon which can transform into either a blaster or a sword.


The Quantasaurus Rex is Time Force's most powerful Zord. When it was launched through the time gate, it was accidentally lost in time, separated form its controller box. The box was found in 2001 by Eric, who used it to become the Quantum Ranger. He then travelled to prehistoric times, and lost the Q-Rex to a mutant, but later took control of it. Eric uses the Q-Rex as part of the Silver Guardians, and helps the Rangers when they need it. The Q-Rex can fire lasers from shoulder mounted cannons. It can also transform into Megazord mode, in which it can fire missiles, and deliver the max blizzard attack. Q-Rex is powered by a Trixyrium Crystal, which led to vortexes nearly swallowing the city when it fought Frax's own Trixyrium powered robot. Q-Rex continues in service under the command of Eric.