
The Turbo Zords consist of
Desert Thunder, Wind Chaser, Dune Star, Mountain Blaster and Red Lightning turbo zords they would be rebuilt by Teran for the battle with his brother.

turbo Megazord

Because the Zeo Zords would not be powerful enough to stop Maligore, Zordon gave the Rangers Turbo Zords to go along with their new powers. The five Turbo Zords made it to Muranthias, and were successful in defeating Maligore after combining into the Turbo Megazord.

Rescue Zords

The Rescue zords consist of the The Thunder Loader, Lightning Fire Tamer, Siren blaster, Star Racer, Wind Rescue. The Rescue Zords would be rebuilt by Teran for use by the Turbo Rangers

Rescue Megazord

When General Havoc stole the Turbo Megazord, the Phantom Ranger gave the Rangers new Rescue Zords, which were transported in the Phantom's own Zord, Artillatron. The Rescue Zords can each transform from a rescue vehicle into a robot, and they can all combine to form the Rescue Megazord.

Robo Racer

Intergalactic officer Blue Senturion travelled to Earth, and remained to assist the Rangers with his patrol Zord, Robo Racer, which can transform from police car to robot. Robo Racer was taken by Blue Senturion to Eltare, which was under attack by evil forces. It is unknown if he still has the Zord, or if it was destroyed in battle.


The Turbo Artillatron, Zord of the Phantom Ranger, can transform into a robot and a mobile garage to hold all five Rescue Zords. Artillatron separates into three compartments, each one assigned one or two Rescue Zords to carry. Artillatron lays in storage, unused since the Turbo powers were lost.