Astro Megazord

When the time comes to do battle with a monster, the Astro Megaship is capable of transforming into the Astro Megazord, which can arm itself with a sword and shield if needed. It would be rebuilt by teran for the battles to come.

Delta Megazord

After being injured on the planet Hercuron while investigating Zordon's whereabouts, Phantom Ranger gave Andros the disk which would give him control of the Delta Megaship. a massive flying spacecraft similar to the Astro Megaship. The Delta Megaship can transform into the Delta Megazord, which has rotating gyro blasters for hands, and is remote controlled with the Battlizer from the Astro Megazord. It was destroyed by Ecliptor during an assault on the Mega Vehicle storage facility. It would be rebuilt by teran for the battles to come.

Mega Winger

Silver Ranger's Zord has a shuttle and robot mode, and can combine with the Mega Voyager. In robot mode, it can use its wings as cannons. Mega Winger was incapacitated during a battle defending Earth from a horde of Velocifighters. It is unknown if it was repaired. It would be repaired by teran for the battles to come.

Voyager Zords

The Voyager Zords consist of Mega V1 - "Robo Voyager",  Mega V3 - "Rocket Voyager",  Mega V4 - "Saucer Voyager", Mega V5 - "Tank Voyager",  Mega V2 - "Shuttle Voyager". They would be repaired by teran for battles to come.

Voyager Megazords

The Mega Voyager is created when all five of the Rangers' Mega V spacecraft combine. Its main power lies within the various attacks it makes using its hand held rocket. The Rangers got a hold of these vehicles when Andros won Zordon's keycards in an alien casino. The keycards revealed the Mega Vehicles' location, and granted them access to pilot them. It would be rebuilt by teran for the battles to come.

Winged Voyager Megazord

Mega Voyager gains flight capabilities when it combines with the Mega Winger's wings. Together, they deliver a devastating flying rocket attack.