Shift Into Turbo!

Deloss Thompson

Full Name: Deloss Taylor
Ranger Designation: Red Turbo Ranger
Weapons: Turbo Blaster, Turbo Sword, Lightning Sword
Gear: Turbo Morpher, Red Turbo Cart
Zords: Red Lightning, Lightning Fire Tamer

Deloss a lifelong friend of Martin and Chris, Who's family moved to Angel Grove with Martin's and Chris'. In Elementary school they would meet David. Deloss is a quiet person unless around friends where he is outspoken. In High school he would meet Mai, Nanami, Megumi. Deloss would be selected as the Red Turbo Ranger.

Adam Park

Full Name: Adam Park
Ranger Designation: Green Turbo Ranger
Weapons: Turbo Blaster, Turbo Sword, Thunder Cannon
Gear: Turbo Morpher, Green Turbo Cart
Zords: Desert Thunder, Thunder Loader

Adam, the Green Turbo Ranger, continues to be the shy one who is very much into Martial Arts. He is the most spiritual of the team, and gets into some serious training for major competitions. Adam's heritage is Korean, and he has dedicated himself to the pursuit of excellence in the Martial Arts arena. As the Green Turbo Ranger, Adam pilots the Desert Thunder Turbo Zord, and his weapon is the Turbo Thunder Cannon. Adam passed on his Turbo powers to new Green Ranger Carlos.

When Carlos began doubting himself as a Ranger, Adam gave him some additional training to boost his confidence. When a monster attacked the two, Adam risked his life by using a damaged Power Coin to morph into the Black Ranger to help his friend out.

Justin Stewart

Full Name: Justin Stewart
Ranger Designation: Blue Turbo Ranger
Weapons: Turbo Blaster, Turbo Sword, Hand Blasters
Gear: Turbo Morpher, Blue Turbo Cart
Zords: Mountain Blaster, Siren Blaster

Rocky passed on his role as the Blue Ranger to Justin, the newest member of the Turbo Ranger team. Wide eyed, inquisitive and energetic, this 11 year old's lack of experience sometimes gets him into trouble. Justin enjoys video games and computers, and has become somewhat of an expert at them. He looks to the other Turbo Rangers for guidance, helps Tommy with his race car project, and attended a Summer school where it was discovered that his IQ was exceptionally high, and so he was moved up to High School. As the Blue Turbo Ranger, Justin's Turbo Zord is the Mountain Blaster.

Justin and the other Turbo Rangers lost their powers when Divatox's forces raided and destroyed the Power Chamber. Justin stayed on Earth to be with his father, while his teammates travelled to space to find Zordon. Justin later regained his Turbo powers when Storm Blaster paid him a visit and gave him a recharged Turbo Morpher. Justin and Storm Blaster then rescued their old teammates, now Space Rangers, who were being held captive by Astronema.

Tanya Sloan

Full Name: Tanya Sloan
Ranger Designation: Yellow Turbo Ranger
Weapons: Turbo Blaster, Turbo Sword, Star Charges
Gear: Turbo Morpher, Turbo Navigator, Yellow Turbo Cart
Zords: Dune Star, Star Racer

Tanya, the Yellow Turbo Ranger, loves music and has a wonderful voice. Intelligent and athletic, Tanya loves the thrill of competition, and constantly improves her Martial Arts abilities by training with Adam. Tanya used to live in Africa for while, until destiny knocked on her door to become a Power Ranger way over in the US. As The Yellow Turbo Ranger, Tanya pilots the Dune Star Turbo Zord, and her weapons are the Star Charges. Tanya passed on her powers to new Yellow Ranger Ashley.

Katherine Hillard

Full Name: Katherine Hillard
Ranger Designation: Pink Turbo Ranger
Weapons: Turbo Blaster, Turbo Sword, Wind Fire
Gear: Turbo Morpher, Pink Turbo Cart
Zords: Wind Chaser, Wind Rescue

Kat, the Pink Turbo Ranger, a native Australian, is a natural born leader. She is sophisticated and aggressively takes control of any situation. She is interested in helping her community and the environment, with an Australian belief that the land is sacred. Her formal training in dance gives her a graceful and fluid fighting style. Kat is a student teacher at Justin's school, and discovers that he is a child genius. As the Pink Turbo Ranger, Kat pilots the Wind Chaser Turbo Zord, and arms herself with the Turbo Wind Fire. Kat passed her Turbo powers on to new Pink Ranger Cassie.